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The iStick is the perfect for intermediate vapers looking for battery life

The iStick is an newly launched variable voltage & variable wattage battery with a fashionable metallic appearance and is surprisingly powerful for what it is.

This is the perfect for intermediate vapers looking for battery life, power, and versatility. If you have a rebuildable and don't need massive power, you can still make good use of the 20 watts but you have to build it to 1.5 or higher to get there, I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong. Speaking personally, this and the Hana are gonna be my on the go mods for now, my MVP is definitely getting put in retirement but still makes a damn good portable USB charger, which is the only thing the iStick lacks, though I only used that feature on my MVP enough times to count it on one hand.

Pros: Battery life, power, portability , ease of use, passthru charging, solid build quality

Once the clock struck midnight and my work closed, I decided to retire it and swap it out for my Hana clone. Turned it off and tossed it in my bag, and headed to my buddy's house for some after work festivities. An hour or so later, I was talking vape stuff with someone, and for shits & giggles I decided to show them the iStick for comparison (and to show replaceable batteries vs non-replaceable) and damned if that thing didn't still have some charge! I even took a few puffs off it before throwing it back in my bag, and it still had a smidgen of charge when I got home around 5 am. Damn good battery life for something so small and for something pumping out that much power. I usually have to swap batteries in my clone after about 5 hours of vaping, so this may become my new daily driver. I still like the Hana better because the iStick feels tiny in my giant Shrek hands, but it still fits nice in the hand. An iStick and a Nautilus Mini will be a nice little stealth vape.

Side note: I've been charging it and using it while writing this review, and after about 40 minutes of charging the damn thing is already showing its more than half full when I unplug it. That's suuuper fast compared to the MVP. Pretty sweet if you ask me.